The American Film Market (AFM) is a gathering of independent filmmakers, distributors, sales agents, producers, and investors from around the world. This event provides a platform for filmmakers to showcase their works and pitch their films to potential buyers and investors. Participating in AFM can be a game-changer for your film and your career, but you need to make the most of your time and resources. Here are some tips to help you pitch your film at the American Film Market.

Prepare a Killer Pitch

Your pitch is the key to unlocking the doors to success at AFM. It’s the first impression you make, and it needs to be a good one. Your pitch should be concise, engaging, and memorable. It should highlight the unique elements of your film and showcase its potential for commercial success.

To create an effective pitch, you need to start by understanding your audience. What are their interests? What are they looking for in a film? Make sure your pitch speaks to their needs and desires.

Next, you need to structure your pitch. A typical pitch consists of three parts: the hook, the story, and the ask. The hook is the first 30 seconds of your pitch, and it needs to be attention-grabbing. The story is a brief overview of the plot, characters, and themes of your film. The ask is where you state what you’re looking for, such as financing or distribution.

Practice Your Pitch

Once you have a killer pitch, it’s time to practice it. Rehearse it until you feel confident and comfortable delivering it. Try to keep your pitch to three minutes or less, as most buyers are pressed for time. Make sure to bring along a visual aid, such as a pitch deck or a trailer, to help you get your point across.

Be Confident

Confidence is key when pitching your film. You need to be able to communicate your vision and sell your story with passion and conviction. Remember, you are the expert on your film, and you need to convey that to potential buyers and investors.

Have a Clear Ask

Your pitch should have a clear ask. What are you looking for? Are you seeking financing, distribution, or both? Be specific and make sure your ask is in line with your goals for the film.

Create a Marketing Plan

Your pitch is only the first step in securing funding and distribution for your film. You also need to have a marketing plan in place. This plan should outline your target audience, distribution channels, and promotional strategies. Make sure your marketing plan is realistic, achievable, and budget-friendly.

Build Relationships

AFM is a networking event, and it’s important to build relationships with buyers, investors, and other filmmakers. Attend events and make connections with people in the industry. Follow up with them after the event, and continue to nurture these relationships over time.

Final Thoughts

The American Film Market is an incredible opportunity for filmmakers to showcase their work and secure funding and distribution. By following these tips, you can make the most of your time at AFM and increase your chances of success. Remember to prepare a killer pitch, practice your pitch, be confident, have a clear ask, create a marketing plan, and build relationships. Good luck!